Friday, July 6, 2007

this summer has been so much fun!!

i have met new people, and had an amazing time at my camp i went to! i love it when i can enjoy this time off of school!! but, i don't know, i still want to get out of my box a little more. i haven't gone on one date, and i don't mind that i have been dateless. i like having my time.

on the other hand, i still wake up only one hour later than i do in the school year. but, i guess i am a morning person. i love to wake up, hear the birds singing, and the sheer quietness that i find at 7 in the morning.

the other day, tuesday to be exact, i saw one of my most amazing friends that i haven't seen since school, and she was accompanied by a cool guy too.

well, i better get on with my day!

Wishing signing off!


Nathan said...

I'm not a morning person. I love mornings themselves, though; I love the smell of the fresh air, the dew on the grass, the rising sun, the birds--everything. But, I just can't get up to experience it. Waking up is the only bad part about the morning.

Wish On A Star said...

that's for sure, but i bet seeing me would be even worse!

The Warrior said...

Lol, I am so the same way, Nathan!

Wish On A Star said...

at least there are two guys that like the morning.

Wish On A Star said...

oh, and i didn't say that you like the getting up part.

Wish On A Star said...

this morning was hard though.

The Warrior said...

Tell me about it. :-P

When I'm awake, the last thing I want to do is go to bed. When I'm in bed and trying to sleep, the last thing I want to do is get up! It's hopeless!!!

Wish On A Star said...

LOL spencer! i can see how you make amy laugh every time that you comment.

it was hard because i woke up with a migraine yesterday, and today and i hate it when my head is in so much pain!

amy says it is kind of funny how we are having our own comversation on her blog!

Wish On A Star said...

well, i have sort of survived my wisdom teeth removal.